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 ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.)

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ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) Empty
PostSubject: ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.)   ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) EmptyWed May 29, 2024 12:22 pm

By the way and in case you missed it: Flesk (Art of ElfQuest, Art of the Story, Line of Beauty) is having a Kickstarter for all the collected ElfQuest covers in a big artbook.

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Virgo Tiger
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ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.)   ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) EmptySat Jun 01, 2024 6:29 pm

Yes, I saw that stuff too. But I think there is no new artwork , is it?

ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) Courts12ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) Rayhan26ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) Rayhan27ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) Scree165  
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ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.)   ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) EmptySun Jun 02, 2024 7:38 am

I assume there will be very little to no new art, unless it is "bonus art". However, it is a high quality collection of all sorts of EQ covers, maybe also from international variants.
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ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.)   ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 5:37 am

jaRf wrote:
I assume there will be very little to no new art, unless it is "bonus art". However, it is a high quality collection of all sorts of EQ covers, maybe also from international variants.

There must be something of the like in there - it doesn't seem like the North American single issue covers total much above 250, counting reprints, and Flesk is saying this book is going to collect over 300 covers. Bit disappointing they're not doing the trade covers, though.
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ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.)   ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) EmptyTue Jun 18, 2024 11:36 pm

I don't know if the Pinis & Flesks got burned on the scope of the last Kickstarter or something, but this one's felt a bit underwhelming, even compared to some of the indie books I've backed lately. I'm sure the end product will be fine, I've got no complaints about the quality of the Flesk books, but the lack of stretch goals and the random assortment of goal rewards makes it seem like there were fewer expectations for this campaign.
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ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.)   ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) EmptyWed Jun 19, 2024 12:02 pm

Indeed, I was also a bit ... yeah, underwhelmed is a good term, about stretch goals, but then, they might not have planned that from the beginning. And there was little actual stretch to go for. Usually, e.g. in computer games, you then have additional translations, voice acting, some little tin figurines as physical rewards, or some other stuff. Here, well, there was very little, and the spine of the books "revealed", oh, well.
It seemed more like getting the books financed and testing market acceptance.
And these little books... I can hardly imagine why anyone would want to have artwork in a tiny format as this. I do not need jeans-pocket-sized books to gaze at EQ covers, I rather have it in good quality in a good format.
But maybe they did not expect being funded within the first 48 h?
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ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.)   ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) EmptyWed Jun 19, 2024 8:51 pm

jaRf wrote:
Indeed, I was also a bit ... yeah, underwhelmed is a good term, about stretch goals, but then, they might not have planned that from the beginning. And there was little actual stretch to go for. Usually, e.g. in computer games, you then have additional translations, voice acting, some little tin figurines as physical rewards, or some other stuff. Here, well, there was very little, and the spine of the books "revealed", oh, well.
It seemed more like getting the books financed and testing market acceptance.
And these little books... I can hardly imagine why anyone would want to have artwork in a tiny format as this. I do not need jeans-pocket-sized books to gaze at EQ covers, I rather have it in good quality in a good format.
But maybe they did not expect being funded within the first 48 h?

Possibly they weren't expecting as enthusiastic a response as they got, yes. But it would have been nice if it felt like there were contingency plans for success, so to speak. Like, "Hey, we hit 400% funding, which is way more than we thought we'd get, so we're going to do spot gloss/gilt, extra pages, flyleaf illustrations, etc." Something to add more value to the actual spotlight item as opposed to a video Flesk retains control of, a sticker, and a print of a random, unnamed character from a barely-developed tribe.

And yes, I'm also a little confused by the inclusion of the pocket collections. It just doesn't seem like a format that many people were asking for; it's by far the least popular pick of the campaign. If they were thinking about portability, I know a couple of people were asking about digital/pdf versions of the collection, which would have been a better alternative, imo.
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ElfQuest Cover gallery kickstarter campaign (Flesk Publ.) Empty
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